
Multi - services and food service strike - may 6th

Due to a multi-services and food service strike that will involve a few airport services, possible inconveniences may occur today. Nevertheless flights will operate as scheduled.


Toscana Aeroporti apre a Campi Bisenzio l'Infopoint sul Nuovo Master Plan dell’aeroporto Di Firenze

Arriva a Campi Bisenzio lo stand informativo di Toscana Aeroporti sul progetto di sviluppo dell’aeroporto di Firenze. Dal 21 al 24 aprile Toscana Aeroporti replica quanto proposto in piazza della Repubblica a Firenze lo scorso ottobre e mette a disposizione un nuovo infopoint per i cittadini di Campi e di tutta la Piana, aperto dalle 10:00 alle 20:00 in Piazza Fra Ristoro.

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Nuovo volo Firenze-Chisinau



Toscana Aeroporti è lieta di  annunciare l’arrivo della ventesima compagnia aerea, Air Moldova, presso lo scalo di Firenze.

A partire dal 14 giugno 2016, il vettore moldavo opererà il volo diretto da Firenze per Chisanau due volte a settimana, martedì e sabato, con Embraer 190 da 100 posti.


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Qatar Airways collega il Sistema Aeroportuale Pisa-Firenze



Dopo un anno di grande crescita, la compagnia dello Stato del Qatar, inaugura il 2016 con un nuovo traguardo italiano, l’apertura del quarto gateaway in Toscana


10 Marzo 2016 - MILANO, Italia  - In occasione dell’ ITB, a Berlino, il Group Chief Executive Officer di Qatar Airways, Sua Eccellenza Akbar Al Baker ha annunciato la nuova rotta italiana su Pisa, operativa da agosto 2016.


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Sciopero Personale Toscana Aeroporti 29/02/2016

24 febbraio 2016 - Toscana Aeroporti informa l’utenza che per il giorno lunedì 29 febbraio è stato proclamato dalle Segreterie Regionali di FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, UILT-UIL, UGL uno sciopero di 4 ore per il personale di entrambi gli aeroporti, dalle ore 12.00 alle ore 16.00.

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Iberia sbarca a Firenze: nuovi collegamenti per Madrid della compagnia aerea Spagnola mai volata prima sul Vespucci

Per la prima volta nella storia un volo Iberia atterra a Firenze. La storica compagnia di bandiera spagnola, oggi parte del gruppo IEG insieme a British Airways, non aveva mai operato direttamente sullo scalo fiorentino. 

L’aereo, un A319, con una capienza di fino a 141 passeggeri, è stato accolto con un arco d’acqua al suo arrivo nell’aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci. Iberia lancia così la sua rotta tra Firenze e Madrid, con un volo al giorno, eccetto il lunedì, che permetterà ai clienti provenienti da Firenze e dalla Toscana di avere accesso ad altre 22 destinazioni della rete della compagnia aerea in Spagna, Portogallo e in Africa.

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il Sole 24 Ore: Florence airport to build a second runway and a new terminal


Florence airport will have a new runway. Talks of an additional runway have been ongoing for the past twenty years but it is only recently that the project's deadline got tighter.

“If everything will go as planned, the new runway should be ready by 2017, in time to welcome the heads of state that will visit Florence to attend the G8 meeting scheduled for that year,” said Marco Carrai, President of Florence's airport operator ADF (Aeroporto di Firenze).

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Presentato Studio di Impatto Ambientale. Avviata la procedura di VIA per l'approvazione definitiva della nuova pista dell'aeroporto di Firenze

E’ stato presentato in data odierna, lo Studio d’Impatto Ambientale dell’Aeroporto di Firenze alla presenza del Presidente di Adf Marco Carrai, dell’A.d. di Adf Vittorio Fanti, di Costantino Pandolfi di Enac, di Maurizio Silvestrini di Enav, di Paolo Giustiniani di Hydea e di Lorenzo Tenerani di Ambiente sc.

Lo Studio d’Impatto Ambientale, elaborato dalla società Ambiente s.c. su incarico di Adf tra novembre 2014 e febbraio 2015, è stato oggetto di istruttoria Enac che, in data 24 marzo 2015, ha avviato la procedura di VIA.

Il procedimento di VIA terminerà entro i termini previsti dalla legge, 60 giorni per far pervenire i pareri e le osservazioni e 150 per chiudere l’intero procedimento. A valle del decreto VIA, Enac convocherà la Conferenza dei Servizi sulla compatibilità urbanistica.

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Vueling lancia la nuova rotta FIRENZE – TEL AVIV. salgono a 16 i collegamenti estivi diretti dallo scalo toscano.

Con questa nuova rotta internazionale per Israele salgono a 16 i collegamenti estivi diretti dallo scalo toscano.


Vueling prosegue il programma di sviluppo della propria presenza all’aeroporto di Firenze, lanciando per la stagione estiva 2015 la nuova rotta per Tel Aviv.


Il nuovo collegamento diretto sarà effettuato con un Airbus A319 da 150 posti dal 4 luglio con una frequenza settimanale nella giornata di sabato. Una nuova opportunità, quindi, per chi vorrà raggiungere Israele per scoprire la sua storia millenaria, le sue spiagge e le tante occasioni di divertimento che sa offrire.


Allo stesso tempo un’opportunità per Firenze e la Toscana, che potranno contare su un collegamento diretto a disposizione dei turisti provenienti dal paese mediorientale. 


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Vueling confirms and boosts its Florence commitment: announcement of new route for the summer season 2015

The 14 direct connections already operative in the summer of 2014 will be joined by flights for Olbia, while the number of destinations that can be reached by flights with connections via Barcelona is 78. 


Florence, 15 January 2015 – Vueling continues with its programme of boosting and developing its presence at Florence airport, which becomes increasingly strategic both for domestic flights and for international connections. In fact, for the summer 2015 season not only has the airline belonging to the IAG group confirmed the 14 destinations of summer 2014, but has also announced one new route: Florence – Olbia (twice a week from 22 June to 11 September). The sale of tickets for the two new destinations was launched today.

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Presentation of survey on the population in the Florence-Prato-Pistoia area.

The survey was organized by Sociometrica and took into account a highly representative sample of the resident population in the Florence-Prato-Pistoia area:  88% of those interviewed declared they were in favour of developing the airport which they considered fundamental or useful.

There were no significant differences between the residents of the various municipal areas (91% Florence, 82% Prato, 92% Pistoia and 77% in the other municipal areas in the Plain), mainly because of the economic development of the area (34%), tourism (32%), but also because of the importance it holds for a city like Florence (12%) and job possibilities (7%).  Everyone backed the idea of a better airport. Over half those interviewed (a representative sample of Florence, Prato, Pistoia and the 4 municipal areas of the Plain), exactly 50.8%, considered that a larger airport is fundamental, without which there is no possibility of developing the area.  In addition to these, others interviewed considered definite consolidation of the airport very useful (thus arriving at a total of 88% of those in favour). Those who considered growth irrelevant represent 6.3% of those interviewed, while 5.6%  considered it critical, problematical and negative.


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Record traffic in 2014 with over 2 million passengers




Florence 5 January 2015 . AdF S.p.A. – 2014 proved to be a bumper year for Florence Airport, beating all records in terms of passenger traffic, both monthly (from April onwards every month beat the monthly record)  and annually. The 2 million passenger mark was surpassed, showing a 13.5% growth rate at year end.   

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MITRE Researchers in Florence to study acoustic impact of new Vespucci runway

Florence, Wednesday 20 August 2014 – Following conclusion of the first stage of the survey carried out by a team of American MITRE researchers on the acoustic impact and on the overflight routes of Florence airport’s new runway, the team concentrated its activities on the Plain’s sensitive points which might be involved in overflights in the new runway configuration.  With the aid of a helicopter, various flights were made over the area with simulation of take-off/approach procedures.  The researchers assisted at landing and take-off operations controlled by Enav of Florence and collected data on meteorological and acoustic measurements  and air procedures developed by AdF, following consultation with Enav and professionally independent and qualified companies.     


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Highest-ever passenger traffic boom in May – all previous records broken + 18.4% Florence shows largest growth among Italian airports In April

Florence, Thursday 5 June 2014 . Overwhelming growth of Florence airport in May.   Passenger traffic outperformed April 2013 by +18.4%;  Excellent progressive figure: +14.45% in the first five months of the year. 


The over 230 thousand passengers who passed through the Amerigo Vespucci airport during May represent the airport’s best-ever result surpassing even last April’s record when the Florentine airport marked up its historic record and, with an increase of 26.8%, exhibited the largest growth among Italian airports.     


Domestic flights rose by 28% and International flights by 16.5%.  The results was due both to the success of the new routes recently opened by Vueling  FlyBe, British Airways and KLM, and to the increase in historic routes in which investments had been made by various airlines: Air France (+29.8%), Vueling (Barcelona +41%, Copenhagen +12%, Madrid +31%), Air Dolomiti, which increased frequency from 3 to 4 flights per day (+2%), Brussels (+36%) and City Jet which doubled frequency to London City (+33%).  But generally speaking growth involved all airlines and also showed an increase in load factors.:  Alitalia (+2% on Rome), Lufthansa (+1,7%), NIKI (+28%), Swiss (+14%), Volotea (+10%).

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Inauguration yesterday of british airways’ new florence– london city route

Florence, 31 March 2014 - The new British Airways route between Florence and London’s important City Airport was inaugurated yesterday:  Tuscany’s chief town, the home of art and cradle of Italy’s Renaissance history, is thus connected with 4 weekly flights, to England’s futuristic capital.  Thanks to collaboration with the Fire Brigade, the first aircraft from London was greeted at Florence airport in the traditional manner of celebrating inaugural flights.  

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